I was out at Lakeshore Estates this morning cleaning the pool and met an employee of Liberty. Her name is Maria and she is responsible for cleaning the restrooms and the club house. She came over and introduced herself and told me what she does at the property, we kind of compared notes on responsibilities etc. I told her that I did not really know much about Liberty (which was a small lie), and asked her how she liked working for the company. Maria lit up and said “the owner is fantastic”! That it is very important to her that you are a Christian and that you run your business with high ethical and moral standards. She also said that you are accessible, even though she is in the field the majority of the time, if she needs to talk to you, you make time for her and listen. She said that you ask her opinion on what can be done better with regards to her job and that you are always open for suggestions and ideas-and will take them seriously and make change if need be. Maria was so in tuned to what Liberty’s goals are with regards to growing and expanding and she was really excited about it. She has so much pride in her work and what she does for Liberty-I firmly believe this if from your direction and influence.
I have to tell you that I was blown away with Maria’s response. Not that I expected the opposite, but I find so often the people out in the field do not have a clue of what is going on inside the walls of the office-and you tend to get a real honest opinion from them on their job and the company they are working for.
I just wanted to let you in on the conversation I had with Maria and what this employee really thinks of the company she works for. WOW! Very impressive.